We’ve got some incredibly exciting new products in development at the moment. Although the official release date is still a few weeks away, we can’t bear to keep everything totally under wraps. Our luxurious new skincare range will be based around the beneficial properties of the Asian rhizomes ginger, turmeric, ginger lily and plai root.

The benefits of ginger and turmeric are fairly well recognised outside of Asia already – not to mention that they’re a delicious way to brighten up your dinner! – but plai root (Zingiber cassumunar) is little known outside its native Thailand. Used in Thai remedies and massage therapies for hundreds of years for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, Plai essential oil has very high levels of terpinine-4-ol, which is the constituent in Tea Tree considered to give that oil its antimicrobial properties. It’s traditionally used to calm painful muscles and tendons. We’re also delighted to report that plai has a delicious, earthy scent with a clean camphorous base. Even though it’s closely related to fiery ginger, plai root has a cooling effect to the skin, and we just cannot wait to put it to work in our delicious new products.

Photograph of white ginger lily flowers

Ginger Lily: Hedychium coronarium

Ginger Lily, or Kapoor Kachari as it is known in Hindi, is an Indian plant that yields a thick yellow essential oil. This root has a long history within Ayurvedic practice and the oil has been traditionally used to support the respiratory system and for its antifungal properties – oh and also to keep hair thick, luscious, and smelling delicious! It has a bolder scent than plai – fresh and earthy, with camphorous and spicy undertones. Keep your eye on our twitter and instagram feeds for further announcements about the new Siam Botanicals skincare line – coming soon.